Identifying The Best Social Media Management Tools

When it comes to managing your social media marketing, it is important to make sure you are using the best tools available. There are lots of different jobs involved in social media marketing management from publishing and monitoring through to market research, and tools can help you to do all of this better. However, it can be hard to know which tool to use for different social media platforms as there are so many social media tools out there to choose from. You will need to work out what your budget is, then you will have to do some research to establish which tool is best for you.

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G2Crowd is the number one resource to use if you want to read non-bias reviews on various products. Itis a great source to turn to if you want to find a social media marketing management tool and according to new data just compiled by the company, here is a list of the top four tools currently available:

  1. Hootsuite
  2. Agorapulse
  3. Sprout Social
  4. Sendible

These tools all ranked highly with users and even names that are not so well known in the industry such as Agorapulse pulled in great reviews.

Finding a tool that offers good value for your money is important and you will need to look into each tool to find out if it can be integrated with the social media platform that you want to focus your marketing efforts on. For example, Agorapulse is great to use for Facebook, while Sprout Social may be better for LinkedIn.

One of the more interesting facts to come out of the research is that the tool with the most funding and visibility actually has the lowest review score and another notable fact was the top two toolsperformed well in terms of offering user satisfaction and customer support.

It is imperative to read reviews that have been written by regular users in order to identify which tool will work best for your marketing strategy and here are some of the areas that your social media marketing campaign will need to work on:

  • Scheduling content publication
  • Engaging with existing and potential clients
  • Monitoring everything from trending hashtags to popular status updates
  • Analytics and reporting analysis

In order to run a comprehensive social media marketing campaign, you will not only need to find the best tool to implement within your campaign but you will also need to be able to work within a comprehensive team, as different jobs will need to be delegated to different team members.

The best tools on the market such as Hootsuite, Agorapulse, Sprout Social and Sendible will work on a variety of popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Google+, Facebook and Twitter and you will need to work out which channel you want to focus on, as this will affect which tool you invest in. Whether you are starting a brand new campaign or you want to improve an existing one, using good quality tools will help it to be a success.

Kevin Kholi

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