10 Fire Hazards To Watch Out For When Renting A Property

Fire is one of the UK’s most common insurance claims. In fact according to statistics from the Association of British Insurance the average pay-out for a household fire claim is £10,200. Damage can be eye-watering, particularly when fires spread to multiple rooms of the house, or even the entire building.   Thankfully, there are a number of simple things landlords can do to minimise the risk of fire damage in a rented property.

9 Property Fire Hazards and How to Battle Them

Regularly checking smoke alarm batteries

Many rental properties are fitted out with smoke alarms however landlords often fail to check that batteries are charged and in working order. According to a recent poll conducted by the Local Government Association fire caused over 300 fatalities every year. A working smoke alarm can mean the difference between life and death and should be taken extremely seriously.

Investing in fire safe furnishings 

During the winter months open fires, radiators and electric heaters can greatly increase the risk of fire. Investing in fire safe furnishings for your rental property will help to alleviate the hazard and prevent any blazes from turning into fully fledged infernos. 

Carrying out electrical safety checks

Without regular electrical safety checks you are putting your tenants at serious risk of injury or even death. As a landlord you’ll also be fines and invalidated insurance. If your property is an HMO you’re legally required to commission out a complete electrical safety every five years.

Secure a gas safety certificate

Under UK law you’re legally required to carry out a gas safety check on every gas appliance every 12 months. This must be done by a certified professional. When the check has been completed you are then obliged to issue your tenants with a copy of the certificate within 28 days. You must also retain a copy of the certificate for at least two days.

While these precautions will significantly reduce the risk of fire they don’t eliminate the hazard entirely. As such it’s essential for every landlord to protect their tenants and their investment with a comprehensive insurance policy that offers complete fire damage cover. Landlord insurance doesn’t have to be expensive and with a little online research you’ll be able to secure a great deal that offers you complete peace of mind without breaking the bank.

Kevin Kholi

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