Big Dreams For Small Businesses Online

Thinking of launching a new small business venture? Perhaps an idea you’ve had bubbling under the surface for a while, one that just won’t go away… Has it finally become time to make that leap of faith?

Well, if you have decided to jump, you’ve picked a good moment. Business confidence in the UK is picking up with encouraging economic figures being released on a regular basis. With wages going up, living expenses coming down and a generally more upbeat attitude to the prospect of sustained growth in 2015, it’s positive out there on the new business landscape.


Whatever your business is, there are rules that apply to all new ventures. And the biggest rule entrepreneurs should never forget is on page one of the handbook.


Now, you may think to yourself ‘What do I know about marketing? I’m a plumber/ bike repairer/cupcake baker/insert your role here’ .Only you can honestly gauge whether or not you have the time and skill to implement an effective marketing strategy, if you have any doubts, call in the expertise of a marketing company. It is well worth finding money in the start-up budget for a marketing company that provides a holistic approach, so that your focus can rest on running the business and fielding new leads.

Whether or not you choose to go it alone on the marketing, or get in the professionals, there are areas that will need covering. Read on for tips…

Wonderful website

Today, any business without an online presence is basically setting themselves up to fail. Consumers hunt for stuff online and if you aren’t easily found, you’re forgotten. So the first thing you need is a credible web presence. Have a web site designed for your business that looks professional, is clear and easily navigable, reflects accurately your brand and has a high level of functionality.

If you are tech-savvy and able to put a web site together yourself, have a go – there are some pretty cool templates out there to experiment with. That said, canvas opinion from honest friends to find out if it cuts the mustard – a website that looks outdated and amateurish will drive business away. Blog regularly on the website about topics relevant to your business as fresh material keeps you in the sights of the search engines, thus bringing in more business. Content should be well written, informative and of high-value to visitors of the site. Websites that feature regular blog articles are viewed as more trustworthy, reliable and knowledgeable in their subject area, thus reinforcing client confidence and ultimately generating more leads. Consider engaging Search Engine Optimisation specialists to keep your website from falling into web obscurity – text that is key word rich and quality back links to your site will ensure it attracts steady traffic.

Social media marvel

To complement the website, a new business should launch itself onto the world stage of social media. This includes Facebook, Twitter and Google+ at a minimum. With a truly global reach, the potential for such sites is enormous, but it must be well managed to be effective.

Don’t just bombard the audience with promotional messages that is the quickest way to lose people in droves. Of course, keep them informed of any news or developments with your business, information about special deals, money-off coupons and codes – but also offer extra value with interesting relevant content too (that isn’t selling anything!) This type of thing takes time and effort and is often best outsourced or included in the marketing company’s remit.

Video as a promotional tool has become very popular with consumers too, so try and stitch this into your marketing strategy for a fully rounded campaign. Consider a You Tube channel to reach a whole different audience and showcase your products and services in a really direct way.

Email essentials

Direct email marketing is still considered to be a powerful promotional weapon. From the very beginning, start building a list of email subscribers. Tempt them to sign up by offering regular newsletters, free e-books or some other incentive – have the email registration box displayed prominently on the business website to harvest as many leads as possible.

Launching a new commercial venture is always going to take energy, commitment and a bullet-proof business plan, but get your priorities right and success is sure to follow. With a sharp focus on online marketing and a highly evolved means of delivery, it won’t be long before your small business dreams turn into something big…

Kevin Kholi

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