Different Types Of Bar Insurances & Their Relative Costs!

All bars in Houston need to take an insurance policy so that they could reimburse the money for unexpected costs. If you own a bar, your business is not like others. You will be in a unique situation,and you should follow certain guidelines to keep the license. Regular insurance will not work out for your business. You will need to have a specialized insurance policy to run your bar.

Pubs, barand wineries in Houston must follow certain rules to keep their doors open and to keep their liquor license. Liquor liability insurance is the one the bars in Houston must have. Here are given adifferent type of bar insurance policy you can have in Houston and their relative costs you will be required to pay.

  1. General Liability Insurance

The liability policy would protect your business against claims done by third parties for property damage. The insurance will cover abodily injury that happens on your premises. There is some bar that conducts live band and pool tables. Pubs that engage in such activities will be required to pay more insurance amount.

The insurance will not cover accidents related to alcohol consumption. A small bar costs the liability insurance of about $1170 to $3780 in annual premium.

  1. Business Owners Insurance

The insurance includes several policies like general liability coverage and property insurance. If anyone breaks the glasses or create any nuisance after drinking in your bar, this policy will help.

The property insurance reimburses your property loss related to burglary, fire or storm. The average bar can expect a premium amount of $2547 to $7520 annually.

  1. Umbrella Insurance

The insurance policy can exceed the limit of three small business policies: Auto liability, general liability and employer’s liability. If any excess damage occurs in your business premises, the umbrella insurance will reimburse your claim that could be impossible for you to pay.

The policy can cover up to $1million in extra legal expenses. The policy premium will cost you $400 to $957.

  1. Liquor Liability Insurance

If you are selling alcohol to whom, who is already intoxicated you could be responsible for the damages caused. Liquor liability in Houston requires all bars, wineries,and pubs to have this insurance before they open a business. Depending on the country you live, you could be sued if a person who is drunk too much meets with an accident.

The insurance policy will cover these lawsuits. The insurance will cost $966 to $3360 annually.

  1. Workers Compensation Policy

They cover medical expenses and lawsuits of bar attendees, bouncers, kitchen staff and other employees working in the building. Sometimes the employees have to face while working in the bar with many hazards like broken glass, slick floor,and angry customers. To cover these employees, you will require paying premium $749 to $5916.

These are the different insurance options available with a premium cost to protect your bar and employees. When picking insurancemakesuser, you have an agent understanding your unique situation.

Wilfred Hawkins

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