How Can Effective Product Sampling Boost Sales?

Though sometimes an expensive method, product sampling has been proved to be an effective method. It can be a great source of generating sales and impressive ROI. Studies have shown that roughly 70% of those who received a sample inquire further about the product. While many believe that it does not have the same volume of reach that traditional media has, the likelihood of a customer purchasing the product can range from 20% to 90%. 

Effective Product Sampling Boost Sales

How Effective Is It? 

Product trials placed close to the point of purchase has shown great success rates. Research has shown that of the people given a sample, 35% of them will buy the product in the same shopping trip. A company can hire a field marketing agency to see how well trial products do as well as how consumers respond to it.

Consumers have shown to respond positively to product sampling. It’s an advantage for the customers to be able to try the product before they have to commit to buying it. This leads to them confidently buying the products and sharing their thoughts with their friends and family.

Though product sampling increases sales, it also increases brand awareness. Face-to-face marketing tools have shown to promote brand awareness within prospective consumers. People love a free product, even when they don’t know the brand. Exposure also comes from word of mouth, whether that is through social media and mobile technology or face-to-face.Once a consumer is aware of the brand, they are likely to give it a trial run. If the cost of a trial is zero, the possibility of them trying is increased tenfold.

Apart from the traditional way of setting up a stand, there are several other ways companies can choose to sample their products. They can include the sample in a goodie bag to hand out at an event. They can even offer it as a bonus or a reward for a particular action.

How Can It Boost Sales? 

When releasing or promoting a new product, businesses are generally faced with a competitive marketplace. Offering consumer samples of their products increases the brand’s exposure. Below are a few of the benefits of product sampling.

Increase in exposure 

Generally, consumers are wary of new products by questioning the reliability and effectiveness of the products. In providing samples, consumers can test out the product with no risk involved. Having a product demonstration agency to deal with a product launch, re-entry into the market or re-inject sales is vital. They are specialists in encouraging consumers to interact, sample, taste, ask questions and ultimately purchase.

Gain consumer response 

Quite often, consumers compare the product with those of their competitors. They also mentally note down the pros and cons of the product. All this information can serve as an important learning method for the company. They can learn about their target market and any improvements that need to be made. Thus, allowing them to exceed customer expectations and gain a competitive advantage.

Long-term cost savings 

Though product sampling is seen as a pricey affair, it can help save the company some money in the long term. The short-term costs can include site rental, storage, transport, stands, and staff. If there are any mistakes, it’s best that they are discovered in the promotional phase, rather than after the product has launched. 

Increase flow of traffic 

When customers receive the product sample, they can be encouraged to visit their online social media pages, their websites, come into their stores, or even call them on their customer service lines for more information. This increases the flow of traffic coming into the company’s platforms.

Boost your reputation 

Overall, this is probably the most important aspect that will boost your sales as well. The better your product and your marketing are, the more likely it is that you’ll have a better reputation among consumers. This not only gives you a competitive edge over your competitors, but it also builds brand loyalty.


Product sampling is an important part of the marketing process. A company needs to partake in sampling to encourage their consumers as well as prospective consumers to try out their products. They key to getting a return on your investment is to make sure that the products match the audience that they’re being given to.

Wilfred Hawkins

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