Proctored Exam- A Detail Account Of It

Have you heard the term before? If not, that is OK.Actually, the education system is changing everyday. The days of exam hall and invigilators are a matter of school days. The higher studies often don’t follow the rulebook and new things are invented for the benefits of the students. Today, distance learning has been increased a lot. Students, who can’t make to get the degree directly by appearing in the regular courses from the top class colleges or universities, can still get it through distance courses and by appearing in proctored exam. But, still, the detail of the exam system is not clear. Let’s find that out.

What Is Proctored Exam?

Basically, it is a self-explanatory system – the assessment where someone is present to proctor the exam whether candidates are appearing for an online exam or using pen and paper. Depending on the type of the test, the proctor will be certified or not.

Basically, proctored assessments are based on the optimal administration format. Maybe you won’t get the environment of school exams, but you will be guarded by invigilators. Proctored assessments are the exam where candidates can’t solicit any kind of outside help; even they can’t use any kind of tools, like calculators, books, etc. Therefore, students can’t follow any methods of cheating and the result is authentic. To evaluate a student’s capability and potential, there is nothing better than a proctored exam. Another benefit of this type of exam is that you can control the environment of the exam centre and stay away from any kind of distractions.

What AreNon-proctored Tests?

Obviously, when you are talking about proctored assignments, there will be something like non-proctored assessments. Actually, the basic difference between proctored and non-proctored is that there is no invigilator in the later one. Often there are lots of online tests are organized which allow candidates to appear for those from the comfort of their house. No invigilators are there and students can give the exam peacefully. As there is no proctor, candidates can appear for those according to their convenient time. Such exams are also easy to administer.

Still, there are certain risks of cheating always associated with these tests. Actually, here candidates can solicit outside help and use of tools is also allowed. Therefore, you should always try to evaluate your result of non-proctor exams with a proctored version.

Which Type of Assessment Is Better?

That completely depends on the candidate and what kind of exam he is giving. If you are appearing for behavioural, personality or integrity assessment, opting for the non-proctored exam will be a better choice than the proctored version.

On the other hand, if you are appearing for tests where you will be administered on your cognitive ability or basic skills, you should go for proctored assessment for getting an authentic result.

So, you get a thorough view of the proctored exam. Now, depending on the test you are taking, choose what kind of exam you will take for self-assessment.

Wilfred Hawkins

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