Telford Redevelopment: A New Town Full Of Banners!

I have been a Telfordian now for some time – in fact for the last twenty nine years. Prior to that I lived in a small village in Scotland. Telford is a relatively new town created to take the Birmingham over spill in the post war years. It’s a group of old mining communities, with new areas added in between, which has grown to a vast new town. Local government has recently invested heavily in redeveloping the centre of town, which until now has just been a busy shopping centre and a few council offices Now we have a shiny new Southwater redevelopment with eateries, a new community library and meeting point, a new cinema and the area really does feel like the proper town centre we have longed for. With that many new places opening up we are a town of promotional banners!

Everywhere you turn in town now there is a banner advertising a new promotion, discount or service. Banners everywhere luring you in to investigate. Banners with information about events in the local town park. Telford Town Centre is bustling now not just with life in the day but is becoming a true 24 hour destination.


Banner have a lot to answer for! My ten year old is an avid reader and has a key eye for a bargain. When the Southwater development opened we went for a wander and a nosy as you do. Before I knew what I was doing I had been dragged into the new library and community meeting point to discover what services were now on the second floor thanks to a banner. It was quite amusing coming to the top of the esculator to tell the admin clerk we had only come to find out where to go for services – even though we didn’t need them!

Another banner drew our attention to the Town Park’s new zip wire and adventure play facilities. We duly entered the park and son spent a good two hours re-exploring a special space we have held dear in our hearts for years. People come far and wide to see our park and its popular attraction of Wonderland. Banners advertised the Halloween, Fireworks and Christmas activities in the park.

“Look Mum! Look! We will have to come up and see it all!”

A walk back from the park into town to explore the shops took us past the newly built cinema and eateries. A banner advertising family film showings at a discount rate on certain days and times. This prompted a venture into Cineworld and a scroll through the films on offer on the latest touch screen technology. A banner advertising a loyalty card for both Cineworld and Starbucks caught my keen coffee lover’s eye.

The banners outside Zizzis a banner announced its opening dates and offers. Another banner drew our attention to the mouth-watering all you can eat menu at nearby Mimosa. Another banner aimed at attracting families to the soon to be opening Hungry Horse pub tempted us further still to pay a return visit.

I am just happy to see some life breathed back into our town centre no matter how many promotional banners it takes!

Kevin Kholi

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