Brand Visibility With Custom Printed Tape

Custom printed tape, ecommerce shops or dentists all have to make sure to stand out online or loose out business to their competitors. There are a few tips to take to make sure customers find your brand and are compelled to buy from you. 

As any company out there, it is advised to have an elevator pitch prepared. If you can explain and get someone intrigued with your product in 30 seconds or less, you know you’re doing something right. The about us section of your site needs to have that description as well. We live in a time where there is an increasing amount of competition and reducing attention spans. The number of people who are truly interested in your product but have never heard about your brand before will most likely click on the about us section of your webpage.

It is important to be transparent and let them know about your organizational culture too aside from having the elevator pitch placed somewhere prominent on the page. One important tip to keep in mind when coming up with your about us page is to tell your audience why you do what you do. Most companies focus on what they do and it’s quite obvious for companies who sell products. For example, if you are looking to buy a computer and click on a brand foreign to you, you would want to know what sets them apart from competitors.

It is important to know what your competitive advantage is. Every company should have one in order to differentiate themselves within their industry. Some of these can be the products sold, excellent staff or just anything else your competition is not doing.

When it comes to getting to it and writing up what you are about, it can be easy to get lost in all the information you want to provide to your stakeholders. When editing your page, make sure you get to the point and not beating around the bush. Depending on who your audience is, make sure you communicate clearly and in language they will understand.

It is a known fact that pictures and video get a lot more engagement as compared to text alone. So be sure to include those in your about us page too. Be sure the content you prepare communicates to your audience  the kind of company you are as well by putting your own spin on things. Another generic page might not grab the attention of your target audience. And most importantly, be sure to build a bond with them by getting them to trust you by adding in key words such as return, refund, and shipping policy.

Wilfred Hawkins

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