Investment Research Analyst Job Description – Who, What And Why?

Carry out a quick web search on Investment Research Analyst jobs and what immediately becomes apparent is how much interest and competition there is out there. And it’s not as if this is much of a surprise, as when it comes to fast-paced, exciting and potentially rewarding career paths, there’s really very little else that comes close. The long and short of it is that as a research investment analyst,you’ll play a role in the decision-making process of private investors and/or larger businesses/banks alike when it comes to the investments they choose to make. As such, the advice you give could make the difference between a sole trader becoming a millionaire overnight and a multi-national business losing billions in the blink of an eye.


Suffice to say, no pressure there…none at all.

As they always say however, with great risk comes great reward and this really couldn’t be truer than in this instance…assuming of course you get it right. With the right moves at the right time and the right working ethic, the post of research investment analyst has the potential to be one of the most lucrative on the face of the Earth. After all, if you’re making millions for either people on a daily basis, you can rest assured that you’ll also be taking home a tasty slice of the action.

Which begs the all-important question – how do you get in the door in the first place and what’s expected of you?

Job Qualifications

Well, to say that you need to prove yourself as detail-oriented and analytical would be something of an understatement. Generally speaking, employers are looking for pretty extensive arsenals of qualifications when considering candidates for competitive posts, though in theory it’s not 100% necessary to have a bank of relevant qualifications behind you. In the very best instances however, you’ll have a degree and a master’s in something business or finance related, ideally topped off with an MBA. In addition, any courses or additional studies you’ve embarked upon make come in handy too. But as mentioned, you can make a name for yourself as a research investment analyst without any formal qualifications at all…character traits and experience usually count for the most of all.

Skills and Talents

As mentioned above, there’s really nothing more important than being the kind of results-oriented person for whom attention to detail means everything. This is the kind of career area in which a missed decimal point or misspelling of a word by a single letter could be literally the end of the world for any number of clients and businesses. What makes a quality research investment analyst is what appears to be the apparent gift to be able to see the future, when in reality the truth is nothing of the sort. It’s a case of taking what you know, what you can find out and what you’re 100% confident will come to pass in the future in order to make accurate predictions and hedge your bets accordingly. In some sense, it’s really all a numbers game, though you’ll need to have extreme courage in your convictions and be able to recognise both a golden opportunity and a bum deal when you see one.

Job Elements

In terms of what you’ll actually be doing as a research investment analyst, the job title itself gives most of it away. You’ll spend much of your time analyzing the relevant markets and investment opportunities in order to both bring them to the attention of those you work for, while at the same time monitoring current investments in order to determine what to do with them and well. You’ll be responsible for creating incredibly detailed reports and projection summaries on a regular basis, along with organising meeting, monitoring global markets, keeping an eye on law and tax changes, watching for signs of economic movement and staying one step ahead of everyone else with your eye for details. It sounds like a 24/7 post that never relents for a second…because that’s exactly what it tends to be.

Future Prospects

Of course, it’s not only about what you put into your work that will determine the outcome but also how successful you are as a research investment analyst. After all, it’s one thing to work hard but it’s really of no use to anyone if you’re known for giving bad advice. If however you manage to make a name for yourself, even the sky isn’t the limit. Along with an abundance of benefits that come with working for large financial institutions, it’s perfectly possible to take home an annual salary that goes well beyond the seven-figure mark.

Kevin Kholi

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